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Please note that some plans are only available as a group plan through an employer, while other plans are available as individual and/or famliy plans as well.

Also please note that in some cases the link provided is to a health plan, while others are links to managed care companies which are not actually health plans nor insurance companies but are managed care companies that contract with a health plan or insurance company to provide a ready made network of doctors for the health plan participants. These managed care companies may contract with hundreds of different insurance companies or health plans, too numerous to put on this site.

What this means to you is that for health plans that don't have their own internal network, you'll have to know what healthcare network(s) of doctors that particular plan uses.

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Aetna U.S. Healthcare
Find Your Doctor

Beech Street PPO Network
Find Your Doctor

BlueCard Provider Finder
Find Your Doctor The BlueCard Provider Finder is for people who have Blue Cross, Blue Shield, or Blue Cross Blue Shield (and have the national BlueCard program as a benefit in their plan), and are traveling outside their home area and need medical services, and want to be referred to a provider in the area where they temporarily are.

Blue Cross CA Hmo or PPO
Find Your Doctor

Blue Shield HMO or PPO
Find Your Doctor

Cigna HMO
Find Your Doctor

Community Care Network (CCN)
Find Your Doctor Note: You will see where it says "Group Health". That is what you want (even if you are considering an individual plan). Then click on "PPO". After you get to the right frame and fill in the information you want, you'll have to scroll down to find the search button.  

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Health Net
Find Your Doctor  Note: Go to this site then it will allow you to make a choice based on what kind of health plan you are considering.

Hometown Health
Find Your Doctor If you live near the border of Nevada, this is the network you use for the Nationwide Plans

Nationwide Insurance
Find Your Doctor [Nationwide uses the Community Care Network (CCN)] Note: You will see where it says "Group Health". That is what you want (even if you are considering an individual plan). Then click on "PPO". After you get to the right frame and fill in the information you want, you'll have to scroll down to find the search button.  

One Health Plan
Find Your Doctor

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Pacificare CA HMO
Find Your Doctor

PHCS Private Healthcare Systems
Find Your Doctor

Find Your Doctor

Please let us know if you know of any other plans that should be listed here or if any of the links are no longer working. Thank you.

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